The key to making this happen is of course the real understanding of the PARTS and components and the variability and possibilities combined with a "razor-sharp understanding" of the stakeholders and the real needs ...
"With the car retailing for 12,000 euros, pre-existing components keeps costs down. The engine, for example, is a modified version of a fork-lift powerplant, and the door handles come from the Fiat 500"
... "the instrumentation is bare bones. We have stripped a lot of the needless instruments out, said Oliver. "In modern cars you have so many buttons I honestly don't know what many of them are for."
It is very simple...if you do not know which knowledge you need to have and do not represent it in a way that "communicates", you are just guessing in the dark ...
Start with some good thinking and then some spicy "passion" and it becomes a great product! ...
RE = Requirements Engineering, BA = Business Analysis